As I stated in an earlier post, I have
spent the summer months being refreshed and inspired by God's great beauty and
talks with him. He has revealed in his divine wisdom to me, whose understanding
is so wanting, what I have suspected for some time that he is up to something.
Oh yes, God is always "up to something" but this time he is really up
to something. He is always exciting and loving, but always up to something, my
brothers and sisters.
I and the
world have watched as Islam spread its violence combined with its signature
forced conversions across the Middle East and the world to build a new
Caliphate and control the world. I have
overheard Christians here and there say Christianity is dying or losing to Islam.
But knowing that God doesn't lose, my thoughts have always been, "what is
God up to by allowing such events?"
I was
curious to understand why God would let Muslims spread in such strength and
vehemence throughout his world; killing his children and defaming his name and
that of his son, Jesus Christ. This is
what I have come to understand with such clarity that he is allowing Islam to
show its true face, that of violence and forced conversions. Did not Jesus tell
us that the only way to the Father is through the Son, and yet they reject his
son? Bringing into the light the true face of Islam, our Father knows that it
will bring his sheep toward our Lord Jesus Christ, his son, and in turn, to
him. The truth shall set us free.
My brothers
and sisters in Christ, our God is bringing Muslims in incomprehensible numbers
to Christian borders to escape the Muslim-on-Muslim violence. For the past few
years, I have been reading articles written by Christian missionaries in the
Middle East that state, "the church isn't ready for the massive numbers of
converts that God is to going to send from a Muslim community fleeing from the
violence of the Muslim world." My
fellow Christians, "The Flood" is upon us and we are not prepared.
I'm hearing and easily imagining that this could be the largest conversion to
Christianity in the history of the world; according to records, the last ten
years have seen the greatest number of conversions to Christianity worldwide in
history, and we ain't seen nothing yet.
We need to open our minds and prayers to this very fact. God is driving
his flock toward us to shepherd them to his son, Jesus Christ. Drop the fear of
Muslims entering our lands. We are commanded to look at this as the greatest
opportunity ever given by God to Christians to be a loving and giving example
of Jesus Christ and aid Muslims which act will be a glory to our Father and
bring unfathomable numbers into his arms.
This may be
the greatest opportunity in history. Let
us not hate but love. Let us not turn away but welcome and give comfort to
those Muslims. When people come to our Lord, they are usually at their lowest
ebb in life and ready to surrender. If we turn a fearful and rejecting eye to
"The Flood", the fleeing Muslims may turn to the only other option...militant
Islam and its violence and terror.
Let us act
toward Muslims with nothing but love, compassion, empathy, and forgiveness just
as our Lord Jesus commands. Muslims populate the poorest regions in the
world. God has showered worldly wealth
upon his Christian children just so that they will be prepared when he sends
"The Flood." Remember my
brothers and sisters in Christ, all we have is given by God and therefore, his
to give as pleases Him. Let us give in a
way that pleases him. Also, let us use Love as our weapon of choice for it
pleases our loving Father. Only love can destroy hate. Let "The Flood" begin, and pray
that we will not miss this, the greatest opportunity ever given by God to add
to his flock. They are massing on the
borders of Christian Macedonia by the hundreds of thousands, they are coming by
sea in dilapidated boats these children that calls to him. All glory to
God, our Father, we shall meet this head on with love, comfort, and no forced
conversions or senseless violence for our God is a loving and compassionate
There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free,
nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. Galatians 3:28 NIV