
Wednesday, September 30, 2015

My Wife...

My wife, we know that our laughing, living, loving, dancing with one another are not opposed to God when he commands us to love as he loves, without condition or limit.



     Do people that always wear a smile on their face bother you? Do people with a never-ending great-attitude turn you off? What about those huggy-touchy ones, do they give you the creeps? Oh, the guy that is forever trying to be your friend and helpful, does that send you looking for an escape route? Then there is the pesky Christian that is constantly asking if you would like to visit their church on Sunday, don't they make you want to vaporize them? Let's not forget the group of people that are forever volunteering to help others without complaining or boasting about it, like who has the time for garbage like that? If this paints your picture, please, stay away from God for he is infinitely worse than and is the very one responsible for those aggravating types being as they are.

     But - if sometime, and we know it will never come, but if some crazy and never-gonna-happen time comes about that you need and want God, here is the secret to getting in to him, just say, God, I need you. Too simple, you say? I know it sounds too simple to just say those words and you're connected, but one thing his son, Jesus Christ, made undeniably clear when he walked this earth was for man to quit insulting God by blocking the path to him with the impediments of man-made red tape. He is always with you and waiting patiently till you need him, even if it takes seemingly forever. But we know you will never need that silly and non-existent God that creates so many irksome people. Like who would need some meddlesome God making you all joyful and peaceful inside, even during times of great trial and tribulation? Incidentally, he never said life would be a bowl of cherries. Why would anyone want to be joyful and serving all the time? What's up with this loving your enemies? If you love them, they aren't your enemies, right? And how can the last be first? That would infer that this God's system works in the reverse of man's system, and what fool is going to abide by that? This is a dog-eat-dog world. While we are at it, what kind of idiot turns the other cheek? The person would just keep hitting you till he wore out and gave in and his anger was exhausted and...

     But, as I previously stated, if that fairytale-never-gonna-happen time comes, you know, when you need God, you've got the secret to the one and only true and living God that loves you unconditionally. I love you and pray for God to pour out his blessings upon you.   


Searching for something worth dying for? The Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. said, "A life without something worth dying for is a life not worth living. Ever considered Jesus Christ as that something worth dying for? You might just seriously consider it. After all, he died for you. 


Sunday, September 27, 2015


Also, wouldn't it be nice if they gave a war and nobody showed up?

Keep thinking good positive thoughts just as our Lord wants us to do.


Wouldn't it be nice if peace broke out and spread over the entire world? Till God wills that, let's remember the divine peace we find in Christ. We are upon this earth to fulfill God's will for good. Let us pray that the world eventually finds its peace in Christ as we do. I hear the word impossible, but God is capable of accomplishing the seemingly impossible such as world peace. It never hurts to ask. It beats asking God for material riches. Never doubt the power of asking God then patiently waiting to see how creative his solutions are to our requests.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015


     I was thinking how, as a Christian, I have no right to be bored when each glorious day God presents us with so many opportunities. He surrounds us throughout each day with a variety of opportunities to share his Good News. I see many people in my church, but wonder how many could explain what the Good News is and proclaim it to others. After all, proclaiming the Good News to those opportunities God presents to us each day is our assignment as faithful Christians.

     The Good News or Gospel simply put is proclaiming that Jesus Christ died on that cross to pay the penalty for our sins and allowing us the divine honor of becoming children of God, our Father, through faith in Jesus Christ. In John 14:6, Jesus states without exception, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."(NIV). 

     Wouldn't you think that we, as Christians, would be so excited in knowing this truth and so concerned about the well being of others that we would go through hell and high water to make sure everyone had the opportunity to hear the Good News or, at least, to be given the opportunity to think about it and ask how to learn more? The opportunity to be true children of God, our Father, is something Jesus wanted everyone to be offered, Jew and gentile alike. There is no mistaking what Jesus told us, He is not just a way, but The WAY, the only way, to the Father and life everlasting.

     Make our Lord's sacrifice worth it.


Monday, September 14, 2015


     We all miss the mark, sin, at times, but the key in that situation is to extend your hand to God asking for help getting back up and the strength and wisdom to do better. If we are not calling out to God for help when we fail, we are not relying and trusting him to be our savior as he promised. We need to be practiced in calling out for his helping hand and strength for a great time is upon us when God calls out for our action. Will you be one of those answering the call?

     We cannot and should not go it alone. As Christians, we are living in one of the most exciting eras in our history since our Lord Jesus Christ walked this earth, himself. It seemed as if Muslims, secularists, and apathy within the church itself were about to destroy Christianity. But God cannot and will not lose. God is winning. He brings Muslims fleeing in great fear from members of their own faith to Christian borders. Muslims by the hundreds of thousands within their Muslim dictatorships are fleeing into Christian arms for mercy and compassion, our great strength and their great weakness. Let us not fail our God. Let us show what our Lord Jesus taught us by example; love, forgiveness, compassion, mercy, and all that is good. It is a difficult assignment for those with losses to the Muslim world's brutality toward their loved ones. Let us shine. Pray for strength and a stronger back. He never promised us that it would be easy, that we would have no losses or would not be persecuted, but he did promise that he would be right there with us offering his strength. God will not lose to his divine love's enemies. It is a time of choices and a time of shedding our meekness to stand up and be counted. God's blessings, mercy, and strength to you all.

Monday, September 7, 2015


      I cannot find evidence of our Lord using the word "EXCEPT." Therefore, I do not read any of  his commands such as to love our enemies (for what accomplishment is it to love only those who love you) as love our enemies- except Muslims, etc.. Love our enemies to glorify God for delivering to you an opportunity to be an example of our Lord Jesus Christ by giving comfort when none is deserved, showing kindness when none is deserved, feeding and clothing our enemies when it is not deserved. Do all this in our Lord's name so that your actions will be a glory to him and will show the  mercy and love he gave to us when we did not deserve it, and to encourage conversion of that sinful soul before you that so very much resembles your soul when you stood before our Lord asking for his divine mercy in previous times.

     We Christians are being asked to put on display for the world of our enemies just how committed we are to the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ. I admit that it is perplexing and overwhelming at times, but we cannot fail when we are given the big assignment we have all yearned for deep within our hearts. Love, my brothers and sisters. Comfort and give, my fellow Saints. Let us use our Spiritual Gifts to show our enemies the love and comfort we know through our Lord Jesus Christ. Let us be a loving and shining example that shows the only way to the Father is through the Son. Let us plant the seed of faith through our Christ-like example.and give birth to new children of Christ.  Amen