
Saturday, January 9, 2016


     When certain political and other influential people complain about Christianity being under attack in this country while they complain about the bothersome poor and their sucking the life out of our society, let's revisit what Christianity is all about.

     If we Christians in this country are going to yell, "persecution", then let's do something worth being persecuted for - speak up for and come to the aid of the poor and rejected within our society. Our faith was never meant to be fair-weather or humdrum. 

Monday, January 4, 2016


I have hope for and am excited about the future of mankind because my Lord Jesus had that attitude when he saved rotten me.

 It's tough to exude the confidence of hope developed through 
a solid faith if we do not have that same hope for our own lives. 

My hope is with God and my prayer is that I become daily capable of carrying heavier loads for my God.

Sunday, January 3, 2016


I'm a Christian!

We shouldn't have to tell people we are a Christian. It should be obvious by the way we live our lives and our actions. In other words, we should be living an active faith. So many recognized Jesus as the Messiah while he walked upon this earth, but too many others did not for they did not know God. While they stood with heads tilted back toward the sky, a carpenter, our Messiah, walked up behind them and they knew him not for they were looking in the wrong direction and believing God cared about fashion and worldly titles. So take this into account when you model yourself on what you believe are Christian examples Love God, your Father, with all your heart and soul just as he loves us and learn to serve as he served and serves.

If you are too good to serve anytime to anyone, then you are not good enough.


     I failed miserably as a walking-talking and living example of Jesus Christ in 2015. I brought this up to him in my prayers. His answer came back like this while sporting that trademark loving smile of his, "So quit whining, get up, and do better in 2016. When did I ever promise it would be easy and when was I not right here beside you? You'll never be finished till I tell you, you are finished, and with me, you will never be finished. Have you not read what is written about this? Learn from your mistakes and go forward from there. What if Paul spent his time in prison feeling sorry for himself? What is done is done, and you are forgiven. Go and serve."

     Indeed, my Lord.