
Tuesday, May 31, 2016


Love in its purest, most-powerful form is loving your enemies. And how can they be your enemies if you love them? Whoever puts a gun to your head - love them- love them like God himself commanded it- and he did.Hate is what created your enemies. Love is what changes those enemies into brothers. Pray and while many of mankind hate, you love. God is going to change this imperfect world by his love and forgiveness, and by his love and forgiveness we have been changed.

Matthew 5:44
But I tell you, love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute you! 

Matthew 5:46-48

If you love only those who love you, what reward is there for that? Even corrupt tax collectors do that much. If you are kind only to your friends, how are you different from anyone else? Even pagans do that. But you are to be perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect. 

Shouldn't we as Christians look different from the rest of this world? We cannot over stress nor over use love...just love and love some more. God will overcome.


     I highly recommend this Christian Mission Group as worthy of all of our support. This group under the direction of Camille Melki, whom I have met personally along with his family, aids refugees, Christian and Muslim, from warn-torn Syria, especially the children, and works through education programs to educate the people against radicalism.

     Heart for Lebanon  operates a mobile education unit that travels to refugee camps and villages to educate the people against potential radicalization.

How Do We Overcome Fanaticism?
Or more specifically, how do we do whatever it takes in our power to mitigate and counteract the factors that lead to fanaticism?
I don’t pretend to be an expert on political issues affecting the world we live in, nor am I a counter-terrorism analyst. But on my flight back home from a week long mission’s conference, that was the question that kept dogging me: how do we stop fanaticism, and overcome this “excessive and unreasonable zeal?” To my mind, it’s going to take political will and cultural shifts, an abundance of education and those of us who are believers.
During the conference, that question, that thought, that concern came up again and again as I chatted with others. When you participate in a conference with 400 other representatives from around the globe, you find yourself discussing everything from food provisions to the depths of your faith, but the overarching conversation I had at this particular conference was around this topic. Can fanaticism be overcome, and if so, how? How do we do it? What does the effort look like? Where do we begin?
A quick digression and reminder, compliments of Webster’s Dictionary:
The word fan is one we use to describe people who love sports teams, celebrities, writers, movie genres and food groups. It’s a simple and benign word describing excitement. Fans are enthusiasts; they are devotees.
Next, there’s the fanatic, where the zeal for something, usually political or religious, heads to the “extreme.”
Finally, there’s fanaticism. And here’s the dictionary definition “wildly excessive or irrational devotion, dedication, or enthusiasm.” And this is what worries us all when it describes religion or politics when used to overreach and abuse, … threaten instead of lift up.
As someone born and raised in the Middle East, I have often seen marginalized and rejected communities become subject to radicalized, fanatical influences. They’re easy targets. The most vulnerable will clutch to easy answers that can lead to a way out, a way up or some relief. The most vulnerable are the poor and, of those, the children, who are easily influenced, swayed and guided to beliefs that will not ultimately serve them. Unless children are given hope for a better future, unless children are granted the freedom to dream of a better tomorrow, fanatic and radical teachers will always have the upper hand in brainwashing and indoctrinating the young and fragile generation of this region. I feel certain that the faith-based community is called to invest heavily in the lives of young children who live in total despair.
Heart for Lebanon fights against fanaticism and for the hearts and minds of children through our Hope on Wheels program (HOW), through our Hope School of Music, and through our 3 H.O.P.E. schools in Beirut, the Bekaa Valley, and Southern Lebanon. In each one of our programs, the dignity and innocence of children is being restored, strengthened and reclaimed for Christ.
At our H.O.P.E. schools, we help overcome poverty through education. We’ve all heard knowledge is power, but it’s also a gateway to self-knowledge and self-worth. We want the children and families we serve to see the value in themselves, their families, their lives and to see their God-given potential.
We incorporate Biblical character traits in our curriculum. Children are taught forgiveness, humility, love, and respect. They are also taught to accept one another and to value diversity and ethnic differences. Students are encouraged and rewarded when the exemplify positive leadership and are recognized and praised when they show acts of kindness towards others and live out Biblical principles.
At Heart for Lebanon, we exist to see lives changed and communities transformed and we reach out practically (through transactional relief), relationally (through community building and one-on-one care for families) and transformationally, when we can share our faith with those we serve. More succinctly, this means that we are called to move people from despair to hope, and in particular, the at-risk children we serve.
Part of irradiating fanaticism is modeling anti-fanatic, Biblically-based faith and hope. We cannot touch every life, but we can start with the children. It isn’t just strategic, it’s what Christ asks us to do in His name.
– Camille Melki

     I would like to add to Mr. Melki's comments with the comment that God is proclaiming his power and glory by sending the Muslims of Syria and other middle eastern countries fleeing from the violence of the Islamic radicals in their countries to give us, his servants, the opportunity to spread the GOOD NEWS and its loving message to them. Let's not waste this glorious opportunity that our Father set's before us. 


Saturday, May 21, 2016


Christianity, where our most steadfast denigrator today

may be one of our most steadfast leaders tomorrow - 

read about Saul of Tarsus in the Bible, Book of Acts. Then you will truly know that our Lord will forgive and make use of what man may see as the most vile human creatures to ever walk upon this earth.
You will be shown a loving God with a love so divinely powerful that it can turn the overwhelming hate of the most evil person into a godly, serving, and loving person unrecognizable to its previous self. God's love is resplendent and has no equal.



     Once upon a time, upon orders from my spouse, I sat silently among strangers at a social gathering while listening in on a conversation led by a gentleman getting on in the years. He was telling those around him that at twelve years of age he was too young. He continued the story along the same line: "at twenty, I felt too good; at thirty, too busy; at forty, too important; at sixty, too old."

     I wanted to know, too old for what, but kept politely silent.

    After a moment of staring into the distance with a smile of satisfaction spreading across a weathered face, he cut the suspense with, "Yes, too old to get involved in serving my Lord." At this moment there came a throat-clearing and an "excuse me" from a man standing at a before-now not-noticed podium.

     "Folks, I would like to make everyone aware - having just noticed myself - of the presence of Mr. Jack Murphy. I am sure most of those present know that only an hour or so ago he arrived at the airport from his nearly five years serving without fanfare and in almost total anonymity the needs of war-orphaned Afghan Children in the back-water areas frequented by the all-too-dangerous Taliban - serving in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Few people in their twenties could have endured the long hours Mr. Murphy was called on to work in order to meet the needs of those Muslim children in a country where children with parents have little chance, let alone orphaned children. Yet, at eighty-three, his example of selfless and courageous service for our beloved Savior gave courage to hundreds of children to accept Baptism from Brother Murphy."

     When our Father needs us, he never lets excuses stand in his path - so let's quit making them, let's roll up our sleeves, and let's be ever ready to serve.  

Tuesday, May 17, 2016


     The world is failing. The world is self-destructing. The world is a treacherous and deceitful host. The world is destroying me.

     But God, my Father, is in charge, and when He is ruler, there is only his divine will occurring in this world - and his will shall be done and is good. I trust in him in all things. I give my God all my trust, faith, and love. It is in Him and through Him only that this world shall be saved and cleansed or destroyed.

     Do you wish to lay down, to surrender, to let despair creep in to a life that once portended so much hope? Do you desire to give in to an existence made obscene by man's hand?

     Or - do you wish to live a life of goodly hope and beauty promised and made possible by your faith in Him who is, was, and forever shall be? The world is not doomed nor beyond hope till our Father wills it. And at last report, He has not willed it so. Go forward with the Good News as he has commanded and let Him make the decision and worrying about the exact time for giving up. However, do you perceive giving-up to be one of God's qualities? And neither do I. Love - let God's love surround and lift you daily.