One day last fall, I was thinking about the task that lay before me. I had to sweep up the thousands of leaves that covered the entire patio. The patio is where I have a lot of conversations with God. When I am sweeping the patio, I can feel his presence when the leaves are blowing around making it difficult to sweep them into a pile for picking up and He is laughing. As I come to a point of frustration, He stops the wind and allows me to finish. Then the wind begins again as suddenly as it had stopped. This particular day, as I looked lazily at the leaves spread all over, it was a calm day...finally. All of a sudden a whilrwind hit the patio, and within 5 or six seconds the leaves were in a perfect pile in the middle of the patio, and the wind ceased abruptly and completely. I knew it was He who was responsible. The feeling was overpowering. Keep a close eye on everyday life for God may walk through at any moment.
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