
Thursday, April 12, 2012

Faith in a Technical World

     In a world filled with the everyday marvels of computer, I Phones, climate controlled environs, space shuttles, space stations, instant communication around the world, these things tend to shroud the spiritual area of our existence.  These tend to hide God and his miracles from us to the point we think Him not real.  We tend to see God as an ancient story.  God is, was, and forever shall be.  He is in all times, all places, and all things.  He was yesterday in ancient times, but He also exists in the future that he created in the beginning.  Faith will lead us to Him who is greater, more exciting, and more powerful than all the technology is or will ever be, and...He who is loving, personal, caring, and, most of all, the Creator of all that is, was, and forever shall be.  Should you decide to take some time each day from your technical servant world and seek Him in faith, you will begin to observe your life changing.  In devoting so much time to technical apparatus, we become its servant.  The opposite of what was originally intended.  Bowing to God, being his servant, the acts that God repays with love and an unfailing loyalty that makes us like a king unto this life.  The opposite one would expect from being a servant.  With the divine love of God, you cannot be defeated or beat down by any human or life event.  Bow down and be raised up.  Serve and become king.  Love and receive love a thousand times in return.  Have faith in our Lord Jesus, and you will have eternal life.  It is as simple as that...  eternal life =  lasting for all time without beginning or end as is our Father.

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