
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

     I have been away for awhile.  Work life has overpowered me.  But...I always have our Lord to share the burdens we put upon ourselves.  I am at my best when writing or serving our Lord in whatever way he needs.  We all need to remember that he wants to share the burden of life with us.  Nobody is more powerful than He who created all things, times, and places. There is nothing that can overpower Him.
     If you need strength, if life is overpowering you, if you are downcast, if you feel powerless, put your faith in our Lord.  He promised us that he would always be there to help us.  You just need faith.  Giving and helping others when you think you have nothing to give will draw the power of the Lord through you to others.  It will lift them up when all seems lost.  It will show the power and glory of our Lord through you, and, by that action, blessed by God will you be.  Rise up and show the love and glory of our Lord Jesus Christ to all around you.  Be a blessing for our Lord.  In our Lord, everyone is someone important.  He loves us all and wants to help carry our burdens.  You need help with this life.  Just pray for and accept the Holy Spirit to grow inside you and have faith.  You have millions of others to support you in this faith.  Ask for guidance and listen.  Talk with God, our Father.  He longs to talk with you, but listen.  Give him time everyday...just you and He...talking.  God never disappoints.  It is we who disappoint him by not talking and listening to him.  Feel the great joy and love He gives.
     It is a long arduous road writing this book, but it is the most exciting thing I have ever attempted.  It is not easy, it is not simple, it is for our Lord Jesus.  People say I have faith, but what signs of it do I show.  I read and talk with people that quietly go about a life filled with trials, but their faith shines, sustains, and lifts them up to the point that they serve others in their time of great need.  The key is that helping others heals us and fills us with the power and glory of our Lord.  It helps us see how trivial our troubles are compared to those around us. We have our Lord and faith. We must quit feeling sorry for ourselves and serve our Lord.  When helping others, He lightens our burden greatly.
     Pray with me,
Father, help us to be a good servants to You, so that Your will be done.  Give us the strength, wisdom, and courage to be different for You.  Help us stand against the strong wind that blows mankind along the wrong course.  Give us strength to forgive and love our enemies.  Give us wisdom and calm us when all around us appears to be chaos.  Give us the courage to be for You and do Your will when surrounded by people of no faith.  Make our lives Your life.  Make us into Your humble servants, so that we may know Your power, love, and glory.  Lift us up Father for we are weak.  Lift us up Father for we are nothing without you, but, with You, we are everything and everything is You.  
In Your son, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ's name we pray this as He said.

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