your children in lands far and near suffer great persecution and fear.
Let us, in this holy land you have given us, be your instrument of change, of
hope, of relief for those that suffer these persecutions in your name.
Let the rulers of this earthly world know your power, your glory, your love
that conquers all, and, in their knowing this, burn away their hate and turn it
into love as only you can do. For what man can stand against your divine
will, what man can stand against your holiness and overpowering love.
Your loyal, loving children suffer greatly Father. Bless your servants
that go forth to these countries in your name for your sake and that of your
children. Guide them, give them the courage wisdom and strength to overcome
in your most holy name. Show your power and love through them.
our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ’s name, we pray these things.
In Malaysia, China, India, Syria, Egypt, Iran, etc. Our Lord is with you. Stand Strong in His name and for his name. Our prayers are with brave and loving servants of God. You inspire we Christians in America.
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