
Friday, July 4, 2014

It Cannot Be That Simple

All the prophets testify about him that everyone who believes in him receives forgiveness of sins through his name.”
Acts 10:43

     Many people are put off or feel inadequate when they consider becoming a Christian.  Over the years, I have listened to numerous versions of the requirements to become a Christian.   Some fell into the category of self-righteousness bordering on arrogance.  Others were long winded and rambling which would only confuse and, eventually, frustrate the person showing interest in conversion.  A few were short and to the point as did our Lord Jesus desire it to be.  Following are the requirements as set forth by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

     If you desire to become a Christian; give your heart and soul to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ: You must have faith...that Jesus is the true son of the one and only living God, lived on this earth in human form, then died on that cross so that all our sins may be forgiven, and three days later rose from the dead.  Have faith in that and you are a Christian.  It is so simple, but so life changing.

     The moment you have faith in our Lord, all your sins are forgiven...all of them...every last one of them.  You must understand this simple life-changing fact.  Once understood and believed, it will free you from guilt, from trepidation, from depression.  Here is another secret few outside and some inside of Christianity do not realize or, possibly, jealously do not share that God loves every one of us unconditionally.  Of course, he does not like some of the things we do, but, concerning love,  he loves all of us, not just a select few, unconditionally and forever.  God is spirit and pure divine and most holy love...a love such as we cannot fathom in this worldly environment.  His love would melt away our bodies and all material wealth or desire for it if we were to look upon him in his spirit through our worldly eyes.  If you follow this in a logical manner, He loves even people like Hitler, serial killers, the most wicked of the wicked...yes, he loves them, too.  He just does not love some of their actions.  Our living God creates nothing that is not good for he is total good and love.  He loves us so much that he sent his only begotten son to die on that cross that we may be forgiven of our sins...just ask with a sincere, faithful, and loving heart and it shall be done. 

     Something that will help with faith building is to know the greatest of God's commandments:

"The most important one," answered Jesus, "is this: 'Hear O Israel:  The Lord our God, the Lord is one.  Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’  The second is this:  'Love your neighbor as yourself.'  There is no commandment greater than these."
Mark 12:29-31 NIV

     Isn't this all so simple and loving?  Some attempt to make it difficult by adding stipulations that, as you learn through proper teaching and study, are just not there.  Absolutely, God does not place complex, rigid, or class-leaning hoops before us to jump through.  You will find that our Father uses the most unlikely people as his tools to accomplish the most  challenging tasks to carry out his will and show his love and glory all with astounding results.

     You must spend time alone in a very comfortable place of quietness in prayer with God to get to know him personally...and you will.  Prayer...just talk from your heart and have faith that your needs will be given.  He knows what is in our hearts and what our needs are before we ever ask, but he wishes talk with you.  He created you.  So he knows everything about you.  He wants you to pray to get to know him in return for, remember, he loves you.  Once you adjust and make daily personal conversation with God a habit.  You will feel something is missing if you miss a day.  You will know how loving and good he is.  Then you will know for yourself.  Ignore those who may chastise or rebuke you for your faith.  You will know it is good.  We Christians are different.  What other religion commands you to love all.   Love, love, love...such a wonderful habit.  Forgiveness...aww...let me tell you, with practice you will begin to feel less stressed and confident in your daily life once you accept the fact you are forgiven for all past sins and you start forgiving others that sin against you.  Through prayer you accomplish forgiving and loving others that non-Christians would have great difficulty doing.  When you forgive, you lighten the load of those around you producing much good feeling and love reflects back upon you.

     These are the difficult and grueling requirements to become a Christian.  If you want to be loved and to love, let Jesus Christ our Lord into your heart and life, and remove that heavy load of sin from your back that you may be set free to love and serve others as our Lord did for us.  He came upon this earth to serve...not to be served.  The son of God came to serve...not to be served.  The one true living God is so exciting.  Come and have faith and find love and forgiveness.  It is not difficult and so satisfying to serve our loving God and others.

     As I sat waiting for my car to be serviced at Mr. Phipps business recently, a young man in his early twenties sat next to me and filled my ears with bragging about his father's wealth and possessions.  I was quiet, only nodding occasionally.  I was relieved when Mr. Phipps walked behind the counter informing me that my car was ready.  As I stood to pay for the servicing, I looked at the young man saying with no malice intended, "That's nice that your father owns all those things.  Let me tell you one thing about my Father before I go.  My Father built the earth that your father's mansion rests upon."  The young man was speechless with confusion and Mr. Phipps, a very good Christian, had the biggest smile on his face I had ever seen.  To my surprise, on my next visit to Mr Phipps, he informed me the young man told him, "I guess the man was telling me I brag too much.  I liked that man and his comment.  It really makes you think about all this stuff people have and worship.  Doesn't it?"  That young man was the mirror image of myself forty years ago.
     Several years ago, a friend told me the previous night he had a dream.  In that dream he came face to face with God.  God had hair of flames and glowing red eyes that scared him so bad that he woke up screaming and sweating.  I said, "That wasn't God.  That was your sins working on you mentally.  When you encounter God, you will be confronted with overpowering love and forgiveness that man has only two earthly words to describe it...Jesus Christ.  I tell you this from experience."
     This friend was a Christian, but with only a shallow faith.  Had he developed a deep, strong faith, he would know that a loving, forgiving God can be nothing but divine and most holy beauty.  Make no mistake, I have not always had this faith or known my God on a loving personal level that I do today.  It takes time and desire to develop a deep faith.  A faith that is obtained at the moment of conversion and lost when the novelty wears off or the first obstacle is encountered, is a faith that shallow or non-existent.  God loves us all and forgives us all if we but have faith.  I was a lost and shallow Christian a good portion of my life, but the Lord was always with me.  When I finally surrendered and turned everything over to him, things began to change rapidly.  If you are ready to accept the fact you cannot do it alone, turn it over to him.  I tell you truthfully, that is what he wants.  Why struggle day after day saying I'm a Christian then relying on manmade technology to relieve your burdens and save you.  As humans in this earthly environment, we tend to rely on that seen with our eyes when we should be using our spiritual guide, the holy spirit within us.  Nah...that's too easy, too simple, just like the requirements for becoming  a Christian.  We love to take the hard route then complain constantly about how tough it is.

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