
Sunday, November 2, 2014

A Risky Move

     I recently took a very risky move by the looks I receive from fellow Christians when I tell them what I did.  Now I lay my actions before you.

     I took an early retirement from my job to serve our Lord.  I do not have bundles of money and a paid for home.  Eventually, I will need to find some form of supplementary income.  My well-healed, well-set Christian friends gawk at me like I just committed myself to abject poverty and a life of standing on the street corner begging coins from passersby.  How could you be so stupid?  Are you crazy?  You aren't the brightest bulb in the house.  What possessed you to take such a risk?  What does your wife think of this madness?

     I suppose they have attended church most or all of their lives (a lot more than my wife and I have) and have never read the Bible or had faith in God.

     I would never do this without the support and agreement of my loving wife.  She is very intelligent and knows I have done some really idiotic things over the years, but not this.  Another important point, I would never do this without talking it over with (for years as it happened) God and receive his approval.  If you think this action put a smile on my face and improved my attitude, you should hear (I hope you hear Him regularly) God's opinion of this act.  He is even more ecstatic than I.  Jesus told us God Will provide.  He didn't say, God might or will partially provide.  He used the word will or shall.  But my wife and I have taken some insane risks in our forty-one years together, so why not for our Lord.  What if Jesus had said, do what!  I ain't putting my earning power on the line...much less die nailed to some cross for a bunch of ungrateful people.

     When you really think about it, most of us take many big risks in the course of our lives over material and worldly matters.  When God asks, you think that is risk?  Evidently, we do, because all but a few people when asked grumble while avoiding spiritual contact and making excuses when our Lord brings up the subject.  You're talking about God, creator of all and the most powerful being in existence.  You think he doesn't have the means to take care of me or is he is lying?  Get a life and begin faithfully believing in what God's word in the Bible tells us.  Today, begin serving the most loving, the most serving being and really enjoy life...forever and ever.  My favorite comment: Not everyone can do that.  Oh, yeah, they can and should.  Those grumblers take various passages from the Bible out of context and produce some brilliant excuses.  They forget that God knows what is in our hearts before we ever pray it.  You can't hide from God, folks.  Who would want to hide from God? 

     Please, my fellow saints, take a few so-called risks for Him. Neither I nor you would have walked willingly to a tortuous death on that cross.  Is there any more powerful example of risk taking behavior?  I'm not brave like Jesus.  If I can do this, so can all of you that are much more courageous than I. 



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