
Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Are We Asked to Have Blind Faith?

     Faith according to Merriam Webster Dictionary: belief and trust in and loyalty to God.

     I want you to think deeply about your faith.  Is it faith or blind faith?  I believe blind faith is believing without requiring or having proof and, at times, believing in the face of mountainous volumes of proof against.  Are we asked to have blind faith in God and his son, Jesus Christ?

     Paul states in Romans 10:17 (NIV), "consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ."  This is not precisely blind faith.  Being asked to believe something from a reliable source is not being asked to have blind faith.  That source has planted a seed within you, and that seed needs nurturing to grow.  It is up to you to deepen your faith by seeking to further educate yourself from that initial introduction. 

     When God decides to lead you to his son, Jesus Christ, he does so through his Holy Spirit within you.  At that time the seed is planted by someone he uses as his instrument through their faith.  After that, the nurturing begins, and, hopefully, your soul is a fertile soil for it to grow and develop into something healthy and nutritious to sustain and nurture faith in other people. 

     Your initial faith may be shallow, but, as it grows, it should put down deep roots.  Those deep roots are developed through a personal relationship with God that is a must-have.  I do not think God expects us to believe blindly, though he reserves a special place for those who believe as innocent children.  I am one of those people who ask a lot of questions and am never refused an answer by our Father.  To know God is to truly have knowledge and to be truly knowledgeable is know God.  We are not capable of knowing God and his will fully or we would be God, but he never hides the truth from us.  For knowledge to be valid, it must be truth.  God never forbids us to ask or refuses us an answer.  It all comes back to that personal relationship that one develops with time spent alone with our Father.  Find the time, it is truly worth it.  We are talking about a personal relationship with God who created all things, time, and places. 

     I did not set out to make this complicated or to confuse you.   Simply, believe by the word of a person who has experienced God first hand through a personal relationship that, over time, you will develop too...provided you set aside time for God each day.  Our Father longs to have a personal relationship with you, his creation that he loves so dearly.  You may even be so vain as to think you came to him to accept or reject him as you see fit.  Drop the arrogance, God loves you so much that he took time away from managing and creating all of existence to send a special emissary to you with an invitation to meet his son who will lead you to him.

John 6:44 (NIV)

No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them, and I will raise them up at the last day.

     Furthermore, who taught us these things that created our faith in the resurrection of Jesus Christ?  Jesus taught almost non-stop during his time upon this earth in human form.  Though we don't always realize it, God is constantly Father, like Son.  And Jesus said,

John 6:45 (NIV)

It is written in the Prophets: 'They will all be taught by God.'  Everyone who has heard the Father and learned from him comes to me.  No one has seen the Father except the one who is from God; only he has seen the Father.

     In conclusion, God accepts but never requires blind faith in Him.  He is a divine genius and loves those that ask questions.  Never does he refuse to answer.  I tell you this as a person that can be a powerful pain in the posterior with questions.

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