As Christians, we must think and act like
a ball rolling uphill against gravity.
The worldly gravity of society pulls us toward it to fulfill our selfish
desires. God is spirit. Spirit is not subject to the pull of worldly
gravity; it has no boundaries. As Christians, we should apply ourselves to
the practice of thinking more in the spiritual realm without boundaries, more
toward God. We need to live in the Holy
Spirit and roll uphill whenever God's love requires it. We need to stand up and start thinking
outside the Sunday box society wants to put us in. Why would a young person want to join this lackluster
group called Christians whose actions, more often than not, bear little resemblance
to that revolutionary, earth-shaking, and exciting Jesus Christ, from whom it
takes its name? What are we thinking?
Societies gravity pulls us toward hating
our enemies and loving our friends.
Jesus teaches us to not just love our friends and relatives, but to love
our enemies as well. Basically, he was teaching, if you want to know and please God, strive to
be perfect like him by loving all your brothers and sisters
unconditionally. This teaching would logically
include your enemies. If you want to
please worldly society, love only those who love you. If you want to be closer to and please God, make
your actions more God-like, include your enemies in your love. By this act alone, you will begin to appear
to society as a ball rolling uphill against gravity.
Being a follower of Christ is being asked
to be different. Mankind is generally drawn
toward comfort. When one feels comfort,
he or she gains reassurance and strength.
In giving acceptance to the act
of hating a person for whatever reason, society is giving comfort to its members
when they perform that action; even though that action goes against the will of
God. Society is giving priority and
power to itself in this case rather than to God. Going against society in this case takes one
out of their comfort zone. Who should a
faithful Christian fear, God or society?
If you go against society, you may feel awkward, you may even be
ostracized, and you may be abandoned when you need society's comfort most. In walking God's path, he may be saddened by
some of your actions that are against his teachings, but he will never take his
love from you nor abandon you. Ultimately,
it comes down to who do you trust? This
world is fleeting, God is forever.
Rolling uphill gives you a sense of empowers you is your command in any situation where society attempts to
separate itself from God's commandments; to separate itself from God.
God's Word isn't just for a Sunday glance
to meet a the minimum requirements to keep your Christian membership. God's Word is to be read, studied, and, most
of all, put into practice. Live,
breathe, and lean on your faith, God. He is our living God. He is the God of the living. God is spirit. Therefore be a living, spiritual, and loving
servant of a living God, our God, and roll uphill when the situation calls for
it. Put some excitement, some life into
your faith. Make others want some of
what you've got. That wealth of love God
gives to you isn't going to diminish or shrink by giving it away, it will only
increase in the giving. I ask you, can
you do that with material wealth? Open
up that treasure chest and make the non-Christians you encounter want to have a
come-to-Jesus moment from all the
exciting love from the Holy Spirit overflowing from within you. How
can being on a first name basis with God not be exciting and how can his
allowing us to serve him not be worth any pitiful sacrifice we can offer? I am not a fan of yelling, screaming preachers,
but when the occasion demands it, I like a rousing call to action. Do you think he went through the tortures of having
huge nails driven through his hands and dying a horrible death hanging on that
cross just so we could sit in an air conditioned and heated church on Sunday
for an hour and call ourselves followers of him to wind up comfortably in
heaven with eternal life with our Father?
Good God Almighty, my comfortable brothers and sisters, raise yourself
up out of your easy chair, get your hands dirty in the service of our Lord
Jesus Christ.