I'm attempting to put the week's events in France into perspective as a Christian. My first knee jerk reaction was, "Those damned Muslims." But, after reflection in a more Christian sense, I came up with these thoughts and conclusions.
The policeman executed inside the building of Charlie Hebdo Magazine was a Muslim. Those brothers and their accomplices were not Islamic Terrorists in my opinion, they were nothing more than common criminals disguising their deeds under the banner of a religion in an attempt to sanctify their murderous deeds. I know the cartoons were a tough sell for Muslims, but the last time I checked, the penalty for insulting people and religions was not death.
As a Christian, I have seen people disguised as Christians performing horrific acts in the name of Christianity. They are no more Christians than those people in France that murdered all those innocent people were Muslims. We want the Muslims to denounce those people, but how many Christians have openly denounced the KKK and their horrendous acts under the banner of Christianity over the years? Today...yes, Christian leaders are concerned and shocked enough to issue paltry statements condemning them, but come out as a unified Christian body, I think not. They are as scared of the KKK as the Muslims are of the radicals within their religion.
I know something has to be done, but let's stand in union in a Christian non-judgmental way with the many good Muslims living in fear of retribution, and be a source of strength and support. We cannot condemn every Muslim for thugs masquerading as Muslims, just as we cannot condemn every Christian for thugs that have twisted God's word. We can start by educating ourselves about Muslims. Many Muslims have died fighting in the armed forces of the United States in the War on Terror. Surely, there are good Muslims. I personally know many. Yes, God forbid, they are different. Surely, there are good Christians; Jesus told us that we should be different.
As a Christian, before you lash out against ALL Muslims, read Matthew 5:43-48. Then, if you still think you have justification for your hate, check your Christian status. Don't think I am holier than thou. I find it extremely difficult to love my enemies, also, but it is right there in Matthew direct from Jesus' own mouth what he wants us to do. Isn't love God's ultimate weapon, God's nuclear bomb that will destroy all hate before it?
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