
Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Our faith brought us safely here, and our faith will provide all that is needed


THE FAITH PROJECT started as an idea inspired by my faith in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior.  My purpose was to inspire faith in people newly becoming Christian and to inspire an even greater faith in current Christians. I set out toward that goal while having no idea exactly where God would take me or how God would take me there.  As faith in God always is for me, This has been an exciting journey with many lessons taught to me.  But I have been reassured though this journey that God is always here and always directing and teaching me.  I'm a slow learner at times or most of the time, and I'm sure God's patience has been tested.  Some people laughed at me or behind my back while others were encouraging and very supportive.  The journey will never be finished, but isn't that one of the divine sides of God, it's never over with him.  With the release of WHAT DOES FAITH LOOK LIKE, and the imminent release of 365 DAYS OF POSITIVE LIVING, the FAITH PROJECT is taking off like a rocket.  It is for my Lord and God that I do these things. 

I was afraid people would not understand the snapshots of faith that I give them in WHAT DOES FAITH LOOK LIKE, but at least, many of the people reading are understanding.  Build and stretch your faith.  Remember, Jesus said faith is so powerful that with a tiny piece of faith, no bigger than a mustard seed, you can ask a mountain to move, and it will. 
Thank you.

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