
Sunday, September 30, 2012

There is no me in Christianity
There is no my in our Lord's eye

And Jesus said to His disciples, "Truly I say to you, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven.
Matthew 19:23

Christianity is about serving and loving others...not ourselves.  How great would this world be if we all served and loved one another.  Would we have any needs if we were being served and loved as we served and loved others around us?  And how can one say a bad word about this and the one that gave us this command...our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Good morning.  Such a beautiful day to worship and honor our Father.  To bow down to the loving creator of all things, all times, all places is a privilege.  To take time out of this life He has given us to adore and meditate upon our Father of all is an honor.  After God created all, He rested on the seventh day.  If our God took a day of rest, who are we compared to him.  Take a day to be a servant and worship our holy Father and not material things.  Please, join me in worshiping our most loving and mighty Lord Jesus Christ and, through him, our most holy and divine Father.  Jesus did not come to call the righteous.  He came to call those who needed him. and who needs Him more than you and I...we weary, beat down sinners in need of  His forgiveness and love.  Take our Lord's hand and walk with him this holy day and on into eternity.  Come my brothers and sisters.  He is waiting for you and I.

Indeed, the time is coming, and it is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth. The Father is looking for people like that to worship him.
 John 4:23

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

      Let's talk about becoming a Christian.  The Lord does not come into your life through hocus pocus and mirrors.  If you want peace, satisfaction, love, warmth, security, contentment in your life, then find a quiet place away from everyone and with as few distractions as possible, sit down, relax, and, sincerely, ask God into your life.  Tell Him you want to know Jesus as your Lord and savior.  Give yourself to him.  let the holy spirit flow into you.  Sincerely and lovingly ask forgiveness for past sins.  You will be forgiven. Have faith in our Lord Jesus, always.  With this forgiveness, begin to put on your new self.  Begin to practice putting life into God's hands for he is in control, not you fellow saint.  You have accepted our Lord as your savior.  Put complete trust in him, pray to him daily, read his word daily, become one with Him.  Immediately, you will see things changing in your life.  Become a servant as our Lord was in his time upon this earth in human form.  Learn to forgive and love your enemies.  Doing this empowers you and changes you.  Love first, last, and always.  You are not perfect.  Only our Lord was perfect.  But you will begin to think about your actions toward others. Feel confident that you are loved.  Reach out to other Christians.  There is great power in this. Yes, it is that simple.  Have faith and it will happen. 
For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them. 
Matthew 18:20
     As you progress daily as a Christian, you shall walk more and more in the footsteps of our Lord Jesus.  Make praying and Bible reading a daily event as it builds and maintains the holy spirit within you.  Soon, love for your fellow man will overtake the old hate and jealousies.  Make material wealth a distant second to spiritual wealth.  Whenever anyone asks, give.  In giving we receive.  Give without expecting anything in  return.  Give out of love.  Forgive all who ask.  Put on your new self.  For you are a Christian, for you are different, for you are our Lord's servant...everything is for Him...not for you.  Suffer in silence.  Give anonymously.  Give, forgive, love.
     And what bad word can be said about these things, except by those who know only self and little real love.  Now, you are loved, forgiven, and assured a life everlasting in the Kingdom of God.  Therefore, have faith and accept this greatest of gifts.  

Father, hear this prayer that only you can answer.  Give these new saints to Your son, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  Send them Your holy spirit to live in them.  Let them know Your forgiveness and divine love.  Give them the strength, wisdom, and courage to put on their new selves and to serve You.  Let them know Your most loving and holy presence.  Help them know You and love You and trust You.  Guide them through this earthly life, so, they may serve You always.  Put Your mighty hand over them to protect them and their families from harm.  Please, Father, accept them into Your family where they will always know love, warmth, courage, and wisdom through You in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ's name we pray these things.  Amen
because this ministry you render is not only fully supplying the needs of the saints, it is also overflowing with more and more prayers of thanksgiving to God.
2 Corinthians 9:12

     Serving brings the great reward of joy in our hearts and spirit not to mention the satisfaction of having helped others.  In being a good servant, we forget about our problems, we feel wonderful, we love and are loved in return many times over.  Serving is infectious.  It makes it about them and not about me.  

O LORD, you are God! You have promised these good things to your servant.
1 Chronicles 17:26
But Peter said to him, "May your money perish with you because you thought you could obtain God's free gift with money!
Acts 8:20

     The greatest gift ever and all one must do to receive it is have faith in our Lord.  Never let the material side of life rob you of this gift nor it's joy.

So the promise is received by faith. It is given as a free gift. And we are all certain to receive it, whether or not we live according to the law of Moses, if we have faith like Abraham's. For Abraham is the father of all who believe.
Romans 4:16

     Everyday I receive miracles and the joy living with faith.  Yet, I am the lowest and most undeserving of God's children.  What will he surely do for you who is so much better than I.  For the lowest servant shall be the highest with our Lord for He loves us so much that he gave his life for us. He serves us and He is God of, who are we not to serve. How beautiful life would be if we all served and loved one another each day.  Today is a new start.  Let us begin...

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Father, your children in lands far and near suffer great persecution and fear.  Let us, in this holy land you have given us, be your instrument of change, of hope, of relief for those that suffer these persecutions in your name.  Let the rulers of this earthly world know your power, your glory, your love that conquers all, and, in their knowing this, burn away their hate and turn it into love as only you can do.  For what man can stand against your divine will, what man can stand against your holiness and overpowering love.  Your loyal, loving children suffer greatly Father.  Bless your servants that go forth to these countries in your name for your sake and that of your children.  Guide them, give them the courage wisdom and strength to overcome in your most holy name.  Show your power and love through them. 
In our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ’s name, we pray these things.

In Malaysia, China, India, Syria, Egypt, Iran, etc.  Our Lord is with you.  Stand Strong in His name and for his name.  Our prayers are with brave and loving servants of God.  You inspire we Christians in America.