
Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The World is Shrinking

         The election for president of the United States has just ended.  Some people are happy, some sad, some indifferent, some cynical.  The country is divided between Republicans on the one side and Democrats on the other.  Such a sad thing to see and experience.  The tearing apart of this fine country that has stood for over 200 years as a beacon in the night to lost souls living in tyranny and living in class ridden societies.  A safe house for so many.  A land of opportunity for millions.   The land of milk and honey for countless of the world's religions.  It's citizens made up of various races, nationalities, religions, and interests as newcomers or with ancestors newly immigrated many years ago.  Even the native American peoples here immigrated at some point.  A country with such an eclectic composition of peoples living in relative peace and harmony would have been inconceivable little more than 200 years ago.  It's immigrant citizens being the core of armies that have gone throughout the world and, for the greatest part, spread good works and freedom to oppressed people of the world.  We went not to conquer so much as to make them free and lift them up.  We have made mistakes artificially holding up tyrants, but what other country's armies in history ever went forward with such benevolence as a whole.  God truly kept this country hidden from view for hundreds of centuries to most of the worlds population.  He kept it hidden for his purpose and his alone.  It is truly a land blessed by our Father.
     If the world thinks God will let his country fall apart and self destruct, they are sadly mistaken.  We are being taught a lesson showing what all the self-materialistic greed we exhibited for so many years can do to a land sacred in its mission to our Father's grand design.  He is reminding us of our original and true mission to be a beacon in the night to his suffering children throughout his world.  We must remember all this earth is his to do with as he pleases not as we please.  During his holy time upon this earth, our Lord Jesus told us the most important of all the commandments is to love God, your Father, with all your heart and soul, and to love your neighbor as yourself.  He never commanded us to hate or build worldly wealth or to not be servants to one another. This land is not ours to guard its wealth greedily as we are doing. to deny access to God's suffering children. As he served us and gave us great wealth and love, let us serve and love him and, therefore, our Father of all.  Let us go forward with renewed love for all mankind and with a heart and soul for service to all mankind and to share this vast wealth he has laid before us.  That is the actin that will clear our vision and restore our direction in this country.  The world may complain about us, at times rightfully so, but they expect and demand that we be that beacon of hope for their hope rests on us and ours on God.  Let us go forward today a nation as one under God.  Let us today relight the beacon.  Let our churches go out into the world with this covenant from our Father to lift up his long suffering children to him.  Let us be a shining example of our Lord Jesus and his word.  Let us not be Republicans or Democrats.  Let us be servants of the one true God as our Lord commanded us.  Then we shall be healed.  In the name of our Lord Jesus, Amen.

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