
Wednesday, October 29, 2014

An Odd Ship and Crew

     As we sail upon life's seas, the tranquility of the calm and sun-drenched days soothes our souls.  All the while, in the deep recesses of our minds, we know without doubt the mayhem that surely follows Eden.  A menacing storm tracks us hidden from our sight over the next horizon while awaiting its chance to ambush.  Most sailors view the approaching tempest with an anxious fear from the knowledge of the storm's destructive power.

     My interest in this matter is concerning the curious event that takes place within these horrid storms.  Ships, fleeing the storms wrath, encounter a ship here and there sailing on the opposite course deep into the monster.  Most sailors know of the crew and their captain on these peculiar ships.  Though they jeer and scoff on their passing, inside and in private sailors harbor a deep respect and admiration for the crews and their captain.  Some of the sailors that jeer and scoff have at one time or another had the good fortune to be rescued by these strange ships and their crews.  Occasionally, a sailor will leave their ship to join the crew of one of those strange vessels, but, the discipline being a little bizarre and restrictive to their thinking, some return to their former ships.

     Those strange ships are sailed by what is commonly called Christians.  Their captain, known as Jesus, sails his ship and her crews into the least and mightiest of storms, but never does he have an alternate course in mind.  It's to the storm and to the rescue of those in distress and crying out for mercy.  Such a strange lot his crews with their, shall we say, different ways.  However, if you encounter a storm, have no doubt those ships with their odd crews are within and saving lives.



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