
Wednesday, September 30, 2015


     Do people that always wear a smile on their face bother you? Do people with a never-ending great-attitude turn you off? What about those huggy-touchy ones, do they give you the creeps? Oh, the guy that is forever trying to be your friend and helpful, does that send you looking for an escape route? Then there is the pesky Christian that is constantly asking if you would like to visit their church on Sunday, don't they make you want to vaporize them? Let's not forget the group of people that are forever volunteering to help others without complaining or boasting about it, like who has the time for garbage like that? If this paints your picture, please, stay away from God for he is infinitely worse than and is the very one responsible for those aggravating types being as they are.

     But - if sometime, and we know it will never come, but if some crazy and never-gonna-happen time comes about that you need and want God, here is the secret to getting in to him, just say, God, I need you. Too simple, you say? I know it sounds too simple to just say those words and you're connected, but one thing his son, Jesus Christ, made undeniably clear when he walked this earth was for man to quit insulting God by blocking the path to him with the impediments of man-made red tape. He is always with you and waiting patiently till you need him, even if it takes seemingly forever. But we know you will never need that silly and non-existent God that creates so many irksome people. Like who would need some meddlesome God making you all joyful and peaceful inside, even during times of great trial and tribulation? Incidentally, he never said life would be a bowl of cherries. Why would anyone want to be joyful and serving all the time? What's up with this loving your enemies? If you love them, they aren't your enemies, right? And how can the last be first? That would infer that this God's system works in the reverse of man's system, and what fool is going to abide by that? This is a dog-eat-dog world. While we are at it, what kind of idiot turns the other cheek? The person would just keep hitting you till he wore out and gave in and his anger was exhausted and...

     But, as I previously stated, if that fairytale-never-gonna-happen time comes, you know, when you need God, you've got the secret to the one and only true and living God that loves you unconditionally. I love you and pray for God to pour out his blessings upon you.   

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