
Monday, April 30, 2012

Physical and Spiritual

     The Physical is finite.  The Spiritual is infinite.  Our minds cannot comprehend infinite or how anything or any place exists period.  How can something go on forever without boundary?  How can the physical be period?  What or who created existence?  How can we be aware of our existence?  An intelligence had to create this and us.  Our Father's house has many rooms, said our Lord.  I find exciting every word of our Lord and Father.  Jesus was trying to explain Himself and existence now and in the next life in simple terms to help people grasp an image and understanding of it.  Truly, we are not capable of fully imagining nor comprehending our Creator.  I have been asking for many years and He has slowly revealed to me glimpses of eternity and infinity, but I cannot possibly begin to comprehend this fully.  I have a feeling our spiritual selves can come much closer, but, in this physical form in this room of our Father's house, it is difficult to understand or imagine.  These thoughts bolster my faith in our Lord.  Read his words carefully.  He does not hide the truth from us.  Jesus was frustrated many times by people's failure to understand his teachings.  Isn't being a Christian exciting and thought provoking?  Spend time with God, and listen and ask questions and listen some it on a daily basis.  Give our Father a part of our time.

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