
Saturday, March 10, 2012

Reflect Upon This True Story

In my job, I have the opportunity to speak with people all over the United States.  I hear some truly inspiring stories from time to time.  One of the stories is from a lady whose husband had recently died of cancer.  He was being cared for by hospice at home.  It was evident he would pass soon.  While asleep in an adjacent bedroom, she had a dream that our Lord was standing in front of her, and she asked him why she took her husband and not her.  The Lord pointed to her left where stood her husband.  He had a big smile on his face as he said, "it is beautiful here, and you have work to do." She awoke after that.  She ran into the bedroom where her husband was.  The hospice person said he had just passed away.  She cried as she related this to me, but said, "I was not taken because I have work to do.  I spend most days serving a ministry to women who have lost their spouses helping them to cope.  I am sad at losing my very beloved husband, but thrilled with my service in the ministry.  It has softened the blow of losing him by giving me a renewed purpose in life."  Her faith was increased 10 times over by something that most people become angry about or lose faith.  Look for God's purpose in all things.  If you ask for his help, he will never deny it. 

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