
Saturday, December 13, 2014

Reflections on a Saturday Morning

                 There are people and groups of people that spend a large quantity of hours in the pursuit of disproving and/or attacking Christianity.  I wonder, are there groups that spend a large quantity of hours disproving those Alien groups? 

     For fun, I was looking at a couple of UFO or Alien sites on the internet.  Evidently, more Gootan spaceships are on the way.  Apparently two Gootan spaceships previously landed in Asia; China  and the Indonesian Sea.  I really don't think there is an Indonesian Sea as such.  After looking into it, I found that there are two seas around Indonesia, the Celebes Sea and the Molucca Sea, but no Indonesian Sea.  Evidently, the Gootan ships had downloaded some corrupted data from the Gootan Internet for their two million light year voyage to Earth.  I'm surprised they made it to Mars, much less to Earth, with those maps...but look what Columbus did.  Anyway, some more Gootan ships are on the way and China knows it.  For some reason in the report, there was a mention that Mao Kan of China had found thousands of secret NASA photos containing footprints and even a human carcass on the moon.  Must be one of those Chinese government hackers we hear of.

     I'm not attacking or debunking these people or the group.  I'm just saying that the portions of their info that are easily verifiable are suspect, and that is not a good start.  You don't find that in the Bible.  By the way, I've met a couple of those Alien believers over the years and they seemed to be good people who thought they could rearrange facts their way.  They were actually very interesting to listen to.  To bolster their view of alien existence, they seem to invent evidence whose source seems to evolve and change to fight off transformers.  There is a good chance that few people will check the Chinese phone book to verify the existence of Mao Kan and inquire about copies of the photos.    

     When one examines the Bible, it does not come across as a horror genre book, unverifiable and clearly fictitious and seeking to instill fear.  Humans normally take every opportunity to take stories with spiritual themes into the realm of horror and make believe.  In the Bible, God and his angels never come across in stories as sinister spirits or evil Goblins and Werewolves attempting to scare the daylights out of people transfixed in prayer or sleeping in the night.  The angel always says something like, "Fear not..."  In other words, do not be afraid.  they appear in a human form, non-threatening, and wearing a glowing outfit; evidently they are easily recognizable as good by such attire. 

     God knows how not to scare people in the middle of the night or in deep meditation.  Even the burning bush in Exodus 3 is non-threatening.  Moses sees the bush burning but not being consumed.  He walks toward it not in fear but out of curiosity.  God sees Moses doing this, and to save his life, says, "Moses!  Moses!"  God calls him by his familiar name in order to not create fear.  God could have come on with a voice that shook the earth all around scaring the daylights out of Moses.  I feel God spoke as the Father he is with a warning as such to save his child from harm. 

     In Exodus 3:5, God says in a normal voice, "Do not come any closer.  Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy ground."  I love the sound of those words from our Father.  God explains what he wants Moses to do in a way Moses can easily understand.  Going on, God explains simply and to the point who he is in words that Moses cannot mistake to whom he is speaking, "I am the God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob."  At this Moses hid his face, because he was afraid to look at God.  I do not think the word afraid means fear as in seeing a monster.  I believe Moses quickly realized the voice he heard was truly God and he was not crazy.  Moses was experiencing what any person would feel in the presence of God.  Though God tried mightily to keep from scaring Moses, God's presence is the ultimate in celebrity appearances.  God's presence makes one feel totally humbled; I am not deserving to be in your most holy presence.

    God tried so hard not to scare Moses.  But God is God and it is impossible for him not to make we humans a nervous-type scared.  I might be able to keep myself under control at the sight of an angel, but God.  I would be prostrate on the ground shaking like I had hypothermia.  God that uses the world as his footstool; God that is, was, and forever shall be; God that created all times, all things, all places.  Yet God never desires to make us afraid.  Even in his divine wrath as on the mountain with Moses after hearing of the Israelites forsaking him to worship other Gods, he does not smash everyone with his index finger.  God is angry as a Father would be when they have wantonly disobeyed, but Moses easily dissuades him from any violent anger.  Our Father loves us. 

     You cannot put people that believe in space aliens and people that have faith in God in the same category.  One is a category of ongoing-creation-fantasy and one is backed by mostly verifiable facts and reliable eye-witness accounts over thousands of years. 

     Do people that attack this loving God and his faithful not have anything better to do?  They must be angry or jealous to spend so much energy and time attacking him.  Why would you attack a group based on love and giving?  I suppose for the same reason the Roman rulers in ancient times attacked it.  Perhaps they long to know him, but have been hurt by life and blame it on him or have political aspirations.  Perhaps too, in their attempts to disprove God, they are actually confirming his existence.

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